Hotel Trotter 旅店浪人 on Blogspot Now!
請撥冗至下列新家拜訪 I have Moved! The new site can be reached at:
由於絕大多數來訪的 Wretch 訪客都是中文格友 因此 以中文來寫
Wretch 的訪客大人 冤枉啊 不是我不回訪 而是蘋果和無名合不來

(受不了 還是用英文比較暢快)

*Update: totally incompatible. Micrsoft, no doubt! Xuite super slow and not working well.

1. It will take forever to load the first home page. But it will look just fine. Screen shot #1.

2. As soon as I try to scroll down to read the contents. Then, the magical moment begins. Everything falling apart, dislocated, scattered around. Screen shot #2.

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About Hotel Trotter - Me, Don (10/25/2008 Updated)

The travel accommodations is an important matter, as it concerns me. It has been 20 years now, because of assignment works. Also, not only taking off for business frequently, in addition to individual traveling. I am flying one to three, or four destinations, worldwide, monthly. Anyway, I am always on the road. So, I am luckily getting to stay so many accommodations every year. Tens to hundred lodgings a year. I am roaming from home-stays to motels, then to boutique hotels. I am trotting from inns to 5-star resorts, then to 7-star hotels. You just name it!

*Previous Homebases
Central Japan, Los Angeles in USA, London of UK

*Current Homebase

Abu Dhabi of U.A.E., Arizona of US, Belgium, Brunei, California of US, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Dubai of U.A.E., England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Guam, Hawaii, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, New Mexico of US, Oman, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Saipan, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand,...

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