3/25/2006, Decided to go to Disco the night before out of town work. Had not been for ages. Got to see someone wanted to see. And saw someone did not want to meet as well, there.

There was a Japanese guy at the Disco coming to ask if I am a Japanese? Too weird to answer him. Tell you what, he came and asked the same question 3 times. 3 Times in a raw! And, using Mandarin too.

3/25/2006 在台北 離家上工的前夕決定去 Disco 熱舞 快一百年沒去了 見到想見的人 也見到不想見的

間中發生了一段小插曲 不 三段才對 有個日本人 來到跟前 問我是不是日本人 (真是莫名奇妙)不理他 而且 整晚一共跑來問了三次 而且的而且 三次都是用中文問 “你是不是日本人?”

Hairstyle by Jamie
Photo by Assistant M.
Makeup & Styling by me, Don
Creation & Lighting by me, Don

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