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目前分類:Taiwan 台灣 (21)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Copyrights Infringement (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


我也碰過作品被本地 混血超大的廣告公司 把我在泰國拍的照片拿去做豪華別墅案的大廣告 (這還會缺預算嗎 根本是不尊重) 直到我回台灣才發現

也曾在網路上看到自己的圖片出現在一位完全不認識作者的書本封面上 奇怪 那家出版社我也沒聽過耶 怎麼可能跟我“借”得到片子?

如果事先未被告知 或不付版權費已經很過份了 甚至是二次“利用” 居然還不肯主動出示創作者名號 最過分的 還可能連創作者的名字也是別人的 而不是 唐 Don Schumann

你們到底要到哪一年才能進化到 "付版稅 正我名” 的年代?

The "misuse" of copyrights are still common in Taiwan.

Years ago I returned to Taiwan only then to find out that there was a local hybrid advertising giant choosing to use one of my shots taken in Thailand for a luxury villa campaign without my knowledge, nor paying me a dine for it. Do not tell me they fell short of budget in this case!

Also, I discovered one of the pictures I took appeared on a book cover which was belonged to an author I did not even know. Never heard of its publisher either. I wonder whom they actually "borrowed" that cover shot from?

It is so rude without being noticed in advance nor being paid the copyright royalties. Oftentimes, pictures were being reused without giving me credits. Some are even imprinted others names instead of mine, 唐 Don Schumann.

When are you going to evolve into the "paying royalties and giving my name back" era?

Latest found examples,

Where is my name, when my work helps creating web flows and while you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies?
我的作品幫您創造網路流量 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字擺哪裡?

Where is my name, when my work helps creating web flows and while you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies?
我的作品幫您創造網路流量 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字擺哪裡?

Why is my name (photo credit) replaced by someone I do not know? Did you pay me yet?
為什麼我的創作權名字被一個陌生人取代? 我收費了嗎?

Why is my name (photo credit) replaced by some travel magazine I never work with? While you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies, where, exactly, my copyrights are?
為什麼我的創作權名字被一家從未合作過的旅遊雜誌社取代? 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字和權益擺哪裡?

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遠走 他鄉 久違 重逢

豔陽 白砂 碧海 藍天

潮蟹 戲浪 矯健 奔放

如魚 親水 異國 情境 辛辣 淋漓

快門 喀嚓 景觀 樓台

粼潯 月映 床前 掠影 惺忪 迷濛

假期 依戀

默契 旅伴 貼心 同行

Reaching far, exotic region, longing, reunion, sun shines, white sands, emerald seas, blue sky, tidal crabs, riding waves, vigorous boldness, like fish, water affinity, foreign turf, atmosphere, pungent, sweating, shutter release, clicks, landscape, viewing balcony, ocean reflections, shadows in the moonlight, bedside, the glimpse, awakening, haziness, vacation, lingering, tacit understanding, travel companion, intimate, side by side.

All photos by Rake

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Announcement: This event is NOT open to the public. Sorry about that!

聲明啟示: 本聚會 並未對公眾開放 僅限“衣著正式的邀請函持有者”參加

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3/25/2006, Decided to go to Disco the night before out of town work. Had not been for ages. Got to see someone wanted to see. And saw someone did not want to meet as well, there.

There was a Japanese guy at the Disco coming to ask if I am a Japanese? Too weird to answer him. Tell you what, he came and asked the same question 3 times. 3 Times in a raw! And, using Mandarin too.

3/25/2006 在台北 離家上工的前夕決定去 Disco 熱舞 快一百年沒去了 見到想見的人 也見到不想見的

間中發生了一段小插曲 不 三段才對 有個日本人 來到跟前 問我是不是日本人 (真是莫名奇妙)不理他 而且 整晚一共跑來問了三次 而且的而且 三次都是用中文問 “你是不是日本人?”

Hairstyle by Jamie
Photo by Assistant M.
Makeup & Styling by me, Don
Creation & Lighting by me, Don

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"Stinky Stinky Pot"



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Big poster of "Dream Vacation Islands".

“窩在五星級小島” 約兩公尺高的大型宣傳海報

Sponsored by the Philippine Department of Tourism and Island World Tours, Taiwan.

承蒙 菲律賓國家觀光部 以及 台灣 Island World Tours 活動贊助 (宣傳暨展示期間持續一個月)

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Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

20:07, 1/4/2007, Taipei

沒有名牌服裝 全無鏡頭矯飾

去除黏膩髮膠 卸下厚重面具

遠離千瓦閃燈 避開耀眼光環


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Now is Taipei time 23:55, 11/18. I am so starving, my lunch today was a big pack of potato chips and a cup of coffee...

What is for dinner tonight?

"Spinach & Mozzarella Ravioli with lot of  Italian herb cheese sauce mix. Yeah!"

現在是臺北時間 23:55, 11/18 撐到現在的我快餓斃了 稍早的午餐是一大包洋芋片和一杯咖啡...


“菠菜混無鹽乾酪義大利式三角餛飩 再撒上義大利草本混合香料和很多很多的乳酪粉調味 耶!”

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11/15, exclusive interviewed by a Celebrity/Lifestyle Magazine, dropped off the previous work on the CDs at Clients', first glimpse of photo exhibition at Plaza 7 of East Metro Mall, visited Philippine Tourism Office, had lunch and dinner at 18:30, attended 2006 Beaujolais Nouveau Party. Got home at 3:30, 11/16.

11/16, spent 11 hours on computer to do post process of previous work for one of the demanding clients after brunch. Finished working at 20:30, dropped onto bed till 11/17, 2:15. Woke up for food (lunch and dinner at the same time, again)! I think I am sick again.

11/15 接受名人/時尚雜誌專訪 遞送完工的光碟給客戶 首次親臨東區地下街在第七廣場的攝影展現場 造訪菲律賓觀光部 18:30午晚餐並用 參與名人薄酒萊2006年首開瓶盛會 11/16, 3:30到家

11/16 早餐後花11小時在電腦上處理客戶的額外要求 結束時身體已經挺不住 20:30上床 11/17的2:15餓醒 勉強起來補吃昨天(又是午、晚合併)的餐 我感覺到我又病倒了

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Dream Vacation Islands 窩在五星級小島

Photo by RuYing

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Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2006年11月新書──輕旅行 005


Dream Vacation Islands (Boracay and El Nido) released in Taiwan in mid-November, 2006.

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Having an exhibition at Plaza 7 of East Metro Mall in Taipei city. Welcome to my small showcase photo gallery if you happen to be around the town within the same time frame.

Don @ Plaza 7 of East Metro Mall Exhibition TPE 10/25/2006 - 11/25/2006

唐 @ 台北市東區地下街七號廣場舉行攝影展 10/25/2006 - 11/25/2006

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Among All-Six-Footer Fashion Models on Friday Night.

Styling by SB
Hairstyle by E. & L.
Photo by Assistant A. & E.
Lighting by Assistants M., G. & SB
Makeup & Creation by A. & me, Don

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In Taiwan, on the date of 5/24/2006. When I was shooting this set of portraits I was suffering from gastroenteritis, the third day already. I could have done this earlier, the original schedule was 5/14 to 5/16, but I was stranded on tropical island by typhoon for previous work. My customer, Mr. Simon Lee was leaving for Hong Kong in no time. And I would have to fly next day early morning too. That means no more postponements allowed. My plans were to get up at 4:30 AM, then check in Airlines' counter at 6:00 AM next day, on 5/25/2006. I finished shooting this gorgeous portraiture work around 23:00 PM, 5/24/2006. Tided up the lighting, inspected my luggage, packed the equipment and set 2 alarm clocks. Tried to phone a night-shift friend asking to ring me out of bed on time. But failed. Ready to bed it was 1:30 AM, 5/25/2006.

5/24/2006 在台灣 拍這組人像時 我已經是鬧了三天的腸胃炎 原本的拍攝時程訂在這之前 在5/14到5/16之間 但是 當時我出外景被颱風困在國外的海島上 忙碌的客戶命理師李咸陽先生近日即將前往香江 繼而轉往中國大陸宣傳 而我 則是隔天飛 是的 預計 5/25/2006 早上4:30起來 6:00機場報到 選期不如撞期 因此就抱病上工囉 這組精彩的人像在 5/24/2006 接近23:00時完工 收拾燈光設備 檢查行李 打包器材 設定兩個鬧鐘 順便打電話給一位值夜班的朋友 想請他叫我起床 希望落空 梳洗上床 已經是 5/25/2006, 1:30了

Hairstyle by Simon
Photographed by me, Don
Lighting & Setup by me, Don
Creation & Makeup by me, Don
Target Market Tends to Taiwan & China

More eye-catching pictures at,

In Three Hours..

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攝影/撰文 唐 Don Schumann




這場時代劇只在繽紛的夜裡上演 不可褻瀆的夜行準則

*Nightfall 華燈初上

翦影中 潮流本我驅趕硬挺的西裝 宣告 夜的甦醒
霓虹下 煙薰眼影覆蓋銳利的明眸 肯定 夜的降臨

*Limelight 夜的復活

必須依賴黑夜的襯顯 才得以綻放光彩
必須仰仗夜幕的掩護 才得以盡情鬆綁

*Daybreak 曙光倒數


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