Hotel Trotter 旅店浪人 on Blogspot Now!
請撥冗至下列新家拜訪 I have Moved! The new site can be reached at:

目前分類:Don's Kingdom 唐的世界 (29)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
TVBS Weekly did a 10 pages feature (published already) for this "Dream Vacation Islands" travel book. Please go check it out and keep a couple copies for me if possible.

TVBS 的食尚玩家雜誌為“窩在五星級小島”一書撰寫大篇幅書摘

King Stone Book Store will have a promotional activity for "Dream Vacation Islands" going on next week.

金石堂為“窩在五星級小島”一書舉行促銷活動 為期一周

My advertising posted on Taipei city buses will run a whole month.

個人的台北市公車車廂外大型廣告 為期一個月

My exclusive interview by We*People magazine will be released in the December issue.


Will have some radio stations interviews by my old pals from BCC Taiwan and Canadian Fairchild Radio etc., too.


Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gloomy day in Ha Long Bay

Feeling a bit like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up that endless steepy hill, forever.

Poolside of Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel


Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Sunshine finally, I am gaining my health and bit of strength back, after 3 full months' long torture.

歷經三個月 不分宙夜抱病上工苦不堪言的磨難 終見 大病初癒 Poor Wizened Me!

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Never fear. All you have to do is be yourself.

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Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2006. Well, all set!
2006年 嗯 全搞定!
今天終於把下半年的進度舖排都明朗化 甚至是明年春季行程
明天開始第一件大工程 九月初完工 九月份緊接著第二樁開工 第一件工程於九月底到十月初後製完成 十月中旬開始為第一件差做第一波宣傳 十月份宣傳期間同時第三樁開工 十一月份把第二件收尾 並為第二波國際性的宣傳南北奔走 第三件十二月中完成後製 預計 十二月底做首波宣傳 2007年一月再追加跨國性宣傳活動 That is it! 就這麼辦!

Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Considering a delicious travel adventure soon, actually, next week. But moving forward too quickly is not so wise at the moment. Too much stuff awaiting at home, too many variables are unknown, and there is a hint of erratic energy around. Should I think twice before take this offer then book the flight and buy new tanning lotion?

Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Still daydreaming? Look, you are not going anywhere if you do not move things in the right direction and snap out of that haze. You need right now is a balance of intellect and emotion to cope with difficulties.

Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Always! No wonder you are such a success.

Photo by Assistants A., E. & M.
Makeup by Don & Assistants A.
Lighting Crew by Don & Assistants M., E, J. & P.

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