Hotel Trotter 旅店浪人 on Blogspot Now!
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目前分類:Don's Kingdom 唐的世界 (29)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I started social networking for getting internet connection, in the USA, somewhere 15 years back.

I came up with the idea of naming myself (an unforeseen term of) "Hotel Trotter". This ID name perfectly fits right into my career arc of combining lifestyle with world travel.

And then, began my personal blogging in recent years about world experience under my belt.

我大概15年以前在美國 開始透過戶聯網路與社群網絡連結

因此 我自創了 “旅店浪人” 這個 (中英文皆) 前所未見的名詞 這個網路 ID 名字完全適合地切入 我與世界旅行並結合生活方式的事業軸線

然後 近年來我開始了關於個人親身體驗世界經驗的部落格

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Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

3/5/2008 (English Translation Added)

四個多月以來 諸事違厄走不出困境
體力過度消耗 肌肉勞損發炎的現象
柴火入水一般 嘶嘶作響無力的哀鳴

For over 4 months, I got caught in a most difficult position and nothing was going my way.
The physical strength had been overworked causing inflammation pain from muscle strain.
Just like the charcoal is thrust into the water with a great amount of sizzling.

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Late Spring, 2008

I finally finished off the toughest projects at hands.

I feel like stretching my stiffen wings,
and getting ready to take off.



More eye-catching pictures at,

Fly the Friendly Skies 展翼翱翔友誼天空

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I am in the middle of the crowd never forgetting about you!

You are in the center of the spotlight ever looking for me?

我在人群中 不曾忘記你!

你在人群裡 可曾望見我?

Don Schumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Photo by Assistant R. in Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino

兩周的忙亂 接連飛三趟 神經全緊繃 壓力全上身 聲音又暗啞 胸口又悶痛 全身不對勁

Two week-long flustered for 3 trips, nerve all ties tight, under intense defensive pressure, losing voices, chest pain with stuffy sensation, whole body not mine.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated quite literally from Japanese as "death from overwork", is occupational sudden death. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress.

怎麼辦? 下列四大過勞戒律我常常犯...

過勞死4大前兆 你有嗎?
2006-11-19 14:07/記者韋麗文/台北報導

(1) 死亡之前24小時仍繼續不斷工作。
(2) 死亡前一周每天工作超過16小時以上。
(3) 發病當日前一個月,其加班時間超過一百小時。
(4) 發病日前推二至六個月,每月加班累計超過八十小時者。

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Around the Bend

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za za zoo



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Was confined at home three weeks ever since 6/1/2006. The first two weeks, worked at home days and nights catching up a job. Got the rewards followed after working like a raging fire situation, are the headache, light coughs and the swollen gum of upper row. Got bee stung on my right ear just right on my own door step last Friday. Burning pains like hell to the bone. Back in May, (while crazily to fly 14 flights) still was to worry about 3 oversea jobs will be overlapped in late June. Now have to cancel all of them considering my conditions at the moment. By the way, have not checked in to any hotel all June so far. Am I still qualified to name myself the Hotel Trotter?

自從 6/1 後的三個禮拜裡 足不出戶 夜不成眠地在家趕工 前二個禮拜簡直到了如火如荼的地步 伴隨而來的酬勞獎賞是 頭痛 輕咳 上排牙齦浮腫 上周五在屋外被蜜蜂襲擊右耳 疼痛入骨 原先五月份(瘋狂地飛了十四航班)還在為六月下旬尚有三檔全撞在一起的國外工作煩心 現在一口氣全推掉 手上的工作總算告一段落 才休息了兩天 又擔心 六月份至今尚未投宿任何飯店 那還有資格叫旅店浪人嗎..

Hairstyle by Jamie
Photo by Assistant A.
Makeup & Creation by me, Don
Lighting by Assistants S., R. and D.

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7/31/2007 Tweet Cuckoo by 唐 Don Schumann

I have been calling and emailing cuckooed around for trying to fill in a big block of free time of 17-day-on-location-trip left that was opened up by a surprise postponement. (ongoing, since 1.5 days ago)

Over the phone I was told: I missed a 7-day-to-Burma assignment for an airlines while I was busy flying to Philippines this May. (3 hours ago)

I have been, 3rd time, rereading "The Bone Collector" by Jeffery Deaver for 5 consecutive nights reaching only to chapter 20. How come I do not remember its bloody violent contents from the previous 2 times reading at all?  (5 days ago)

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Reason out if there is a solution to a give-and-take before you get started. It is always tempting to get involved in an intense competition, but be careful.

Photo by Assistants A., E. & M.
Makeup by Don & Assistants A.
Lighting Crew by Don & Assistants M., E, J. & P.

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  • Apr 10 Tue 2007 21:58
  • 挑選



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Look into my eyes. And tell me what's on your mind?

Photo by Assistant A.
Hairstyle by Assistants E. & F.
Creation & Lighting by me, Don
Makeup & Styling by A. & me, Don

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Wizard of Image 影像法師

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Still on a roller coaster riding out of control.
Have so much going on right now, but without some sort of structure. That really makes me go nuts.

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Hallo, hoffe ich, daß Sie dieses Buch von "Traumferien-Inseln" genießen. Alle Anmerkungen sind willkommen!

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我保證只跟工作偷情 好嗎?
婚前當我的"隨身行李"跟著世界跑 拼經濟
婚後當我的"舒適家具"一齊居家樂 享福去 如何?

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Now in tune, and a sweet duet certainly isn't out of the question.

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Best Wishes in The Year of Pig!

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Why suddenly get so sentimental at this time? You have just reminded me, it is my 3rd year hanging around Yahoo Personal. Time flies, nature's cruel. Thanks for staying with me, mate!

Photo by Assistant F.
Makeup & Styling by me, Don
Creation & Lighting by me, Don

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由於絕大多數來訪的 Wretch 訪客都是中文格友 因此 以中文來寫
Wretch 的訪客大人 冤枉啊 不是我不回訪 而是蘋果和無名合不來

(受不了 還是用英文比較暢快)

*Update: totally incompatible. Micrsoft, no doubt! Xuite super slow and not working well.

1. It will take forever to load the first home page. But it will look just fine. Screen shot #1.

2. As soon as I try to scroll down to read the contents. Then, the magical moment begins. Everything falling apart, dislocated, scattered around. Screen shot #2.

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